The Door of 'No Return': The African American Journey to Mental and Emotional Wellness

The Door of “ No Return “ has been a symbol of the African American journey for centuries. It represents the painful and traumatic experience of slavery, where millions of Africans were forcibly taken from their homes and brought to the Americas to work as slaves. This journey has left a lasting impact on the mental and emotional well-being of African Americans, who have had to navigate systemic racism, discrimination, and inequality for generations.

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Fatima Hafiz MuidComment
Independence Day

American Independence Day. Independent of a tyranny from persecution in the pursuit of freedom. Somehow, the American Republic managed to exert that tryranny upon others through genocide and slavery. The horror of tyranny is in the separation of all planetary relationships.

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Defining Place, Time and Space in Human Activity: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational and Spiritual Domains - Part 2

The 2nd part of this blog will centre on the five areas of human activity, with a focus on how the urban school environment hinders Black and Brown students and their teachers from fully expressing their humanity. It raises the question of, how can teachers acknowledge the diverse aspects of their students' humanity when their own humanity is compromised.

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Language: Words Create Worlds

In many self-development communications courses and training programs, spiritual books and other secular readings speak about the power of words. All of them start with the premise that our words create our world. In this writing we will look at the conveying of words and their meaning as information and communications as a form of languaging in a situational context.

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Title: The Profundity of Parents as Teachers and Teachers as Parents: Be mindful of what you unconsciously teach your children (revision 2)

When faced with the dilemma of  parenting and teaching, when does the parent in you show up and when does the teacher show up. As I contemplate my journey of being a parent/teacher and teacher/parent, I have come to know something about these roles. I realize that there is no real demarcation between the two worlds of parenting and teaching. Trading places is a misnomer used to separate the roles.

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It Takes a Village

Children are the beacon of all that is great and positive in the universe. Their joy and kindness are like that of no other. Babies, toddlers, and young children build relationships with others despite age, race, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or any other differentiating factor that adults allow to divide themselves and the world around them.

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Healing By Art

Art, since its conception, has been an intricate form of both expression and release; benefitted by both artist and admirers alike. Art also takes on many forms; Creating customized methods of expression and release for every individual person across the world. And though each form is customized, making it so individually unique, art brings community and healing to those who embrace it -Forms two vital pieces of life that everyone needs.

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The Postmodern Narrative of the Self and the Shadows of our Emotions

Who we are and what we have become in a postmodern world is whoever we choose to be, not bound by the constructions of modern man and his ignorance of the whole and his separation of the parts without a clue about how they should be re-assembled. Modern man’s ignorance to the beauty and function of the difference in creation and what it means in terms of the evolution of humanity has created unmitigated borders of pain and suffering.

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Defining Place and Space in Human Activity

We hardly ever consider the effects of place and space on human action. When we hear someone state, "I need space," they are asking much more than just a physical separation. It's the place where our entire being exists. This blog will explore what it means to identify empty places and develop healing spaces. We make speculations about fresh approaches to expressing who we truly are from the inside out. The five areas of the human experience will be discussed, and each area will have a new relationship proposed.

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Fatima Hafiz MuidSpaceComment
Black Fathers and Mass Incarceration: The mental, emotional, and relational toll on the Black Family

Across the nation, men father children and become “Dad”, “Daddy”, “Pops” or some form of a more sentimental identity than father. Each one, a sacred term used by children, young and old, to express the highest degree of trust, security, and love exchanged between a father and his child. In most cultures, men are known to be the foundation of their home.

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The Profundity of Parents as Teachers

Child of the contested reality of being black in America. I was born and grew up in the south. Early in my life during a period when segregation was the norm, my early schooling was attended to by a great grandmother, great aunts, a neighborhood, a community of extended care givers and an institution where care was present, even as I rebelled against the nature of that authoritarian care.

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