Courses by Tea


We are building a new paradigm of education

Ever felt like the education you received did not prepare you to live in your purpose. You have found yourself spending years going through the motion and demands of the mind and lost the passion of your heart. 

Our courses support the learning of new ways to see yourself that bring the mind and heart together, giving you access to the beauty of your own knowledge in a way that is useful in transforming your life and the lives of people around you. 

This collection of courses, based inside a healing framework, builds a new paradigm of education in our society. 


Discovering the Mentor Within 

This course is a ground level process to discover your gifts and yourself as a guide for others. This course introduces you to the healing culture that is the foundation of TEA. It takes people from not even realizing they have a gift, to being primed to share that gift powerfully. 

Evolution of the Facilitator 

This course takes you through a deeper level of development as a facilitator; sharpening you as the tool to guide emotionally volatile conversations.

The Wise Educator 

This course guides facilitators to utilize their previous development and experience to access the invaluable wisdom within; simultaneously capturing it in a way that can be shared with others.